Main Final Fantasy Tactics (c) Square 1997/1998 Russian

Brave Story #17 [24. Goug Machine City]
* - comment inside. [Sorry for ugly English]

Alazlam The secrets of the Lion War are uncovered in this book.
	Person   Treasures

[Record] 'Besrodio rescue'
The one behind the Bart Company who planned to take the stones was Draclau. With Mustadio's quick thinking, they saved the stone and rescued Besrodio. But the Cardinal had both Ovelia and Agrias. You rushed to Lionel Castle to save them, taking the stone with you.

[Person] Draclau Besrodio Rudvich
Draclau Alphons Draclau (Age: 53)
Head of Lionel. Also a cardinal second only to the Head of the Glabados Church. A famous Knight of the Fifty Year War, as well as being a Theologist. He is revered by his people. But, he has his dark side, interacting with a criminal organization to obtain a Holy Stone found in Goug.

Besrodio Besrodio Bunanza (Age: 43)
Machinist who lives in the Goug Machine City. A well respected meister of producing advanced weapons. Also a devoted researcher who strives to implement and create new technology by disassembling machinery of the previous generations. Discovering the Stone "Taurus" in the mines of Goug, he was pursued by the Bart Trading Company, but was rescued by you.

Rudvich Bart Rudvich (Age: 56)
A representative of the Bart Trading Company, involved in a variety of businesses, based in Warjilis Trade City. He is well respected and praised as a man of ability by the people. But, in the shadows, he is said to be leading a criminal organization, which is involved in acts such as the slave trade and opium smuggling.
   He was after Mustadio, who found the Holy Stone, "Taurus" from the mines of Goug.

Taurus One of the 12 Holy Stones. A legendary Zodiac Stone representing the 'Bull'. It was found hidden in the Goug Machine City.

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