Tomb Raider II
(c) & TM Core Design Limited 1997.
(c) & Published by Eidos Interactive Limited.
All Rights Reserved

Tomb Raider 2 Level 1 — The Great Wall [of China]
(AVI, MS-WMV9 vbr q80, 320x240, 15fps, 7:56, 35 MB)
Run & capture by StupiT at 2005-08-xx (xx.08.2005)
(ePSXe; played with save state).
Sound (chosen parts of track 48) added,
published at 2009-08-25 (25.08.2009).
The same, but looks like "gray mess"
(256x192, VERY BAD quality, but 5 MB)

(AVI & RAR) created at 2007-03-01, published at 2009-08-31.
Tomb Raider II Level 1 (320x240)

at [2009-09-26]
Another Tomb Raider II Level 1 (640x480, in-game sound)

(AVI, h264, 640x480, 30fps, 10:28, 39 MB)
The Great Wall in 9 minutes
[Played, etc at 2009-09-27]
Watch at
The same, but 25fps, better image, 75 MB

[Added at 2009-09-30]

Tomb Raider 2 Level 2 — Venice
(AVI, MS-WMV9 vbr q80, 320x240, 15fps, 9:36, 59 MB)
Run & capture by StupiT at 2005-08-xx (xx.08.2005)
(ePSXe; played with save state).
Published at 2009-09-04 (04.09.2009).
Tomb Raider II Level 2 (320x240)
at [2009-09-28]
Tomb Raider II (the game)
ePSXe (PS emulator)
StupiT's prog (screen to avi)
Fraps (game video recorder)
VirtualDub (video editor)
Audacity (audio editor)
Windows Media Video 9 (wmv3 codec)
LAME (mp3 codec)
WinRAR (archiver)