Main Final Fantasy Tactics (c) Square 1997/1998 Russian

29e. Goug Machine City [After Dorter, before Goland]
* - comment inside. [Sorry for ugly English]

[Bar->Proposition]	Shop
Bar owner This's what I know about
	Heir of Mesa
	Machinist Contest
	Meister Contest

Heir of Mesa [10000, 10-13, (Samurai, Mime)] A legendary hero, King Mesa, saved the human race from its ruin. It is believed his ship sank offshore of this city. Variety of treasure from God were on the ship. Informant Dish Job: Save ship that belonged to King Mesa! Geomancer We left Goug Machine City and went to the recovery site of the Royal vessel. This information seems unreliable. But we tried our best. As a result, we were able to recover it! Various cargo was found in the recovered vessel, but... For a legendary ship, it had new cargo inside. I caught a spy and questioned him. He confessed that the information were all lies. Bonus: (Nothing...) Total: 577 - 660 gil JP: 57 - 83 'Legend of Heroic King'
Rumors said the ship of King Mesa, Savior of the people, was sunk off the coast of Goug. We successfully recovered the ship, but upon further investigation, it seemed to be another ship. We checked with an informant and he confirmed it was a ship from the Estor Trading Company, in Goug. We were tricked...

Machinist Contest [100, 11-13, Squire (Geomancer/Samurai, Mime)] Looking for helpers to build our project for the "Machinist Contest" at Goug Machine City. From 2000 Gil. Prefer those with knowledge of items. Machinist Audomra Job: Help with building for the "Machinist Contest"! Thief We worked as an assistant in the exhibition. The job from the bar didn't give you enough clues, right? Thanks to Squire we did a super-job. We presented our exhibit! I was going to go home. They handed us a reward. I opened it and inside found... A rare treasure! Bonus: Found {Treasure}! Total: 5412 - 5498 gil JP: 91 - 117 'Won Machinist Contest!'
The annual "Machinist Contest" is opened this year in Goug. We worked as helpers for the 'Goripan' team. This team is a regular in the contest. They've come close to winning many times. This was the biggest contest yet. The Goripan won with their Chocobo Car.

Meister Contest [0, 14-16, Squire (Geomancer, Mime), November-December] Who is the best artisan!? It's time for this year's Annual "Meister Contest". Confident Artisans, be the hero of Goug! Goug Meister Assoc. Job: Win the "Meister Contest"! Knight We competed in the Meister Contest! This contest attracted many formidable opponents. Thanks to Squire we did a super-job. As a result, we won the contest! Amidst many spectators, I was seated as a champion. The sponsor handed us the first prize. I looked and inside found... The extra prize! Bonus: Bonus Money Total: 20270 - 22345 gil JP: 239 - 295 'Won the Meister Contest!'
The Goug Artisan Association sponsored this year's Meister contest. It tests 3 elements to be a good artisan; "Knowledge", "Innate Skill" and "Learned Skill". Participants are tested in many ways the highest total of points ultimately decides the winner. Early in the contest, we lost some points because of the clock. But, we came back strong and won.

[Shop->Buy] Shopkeeper Is there anything you want? >>
Romanda Gun 5000
Poison Bow 4000*
Cross Bow 2000
Night Killer 1500
Bow Gun 400



Feather Boots 2500*
Rubber Shoes 1500
Spike Shoes 1200
Battle Boots 1000
Magic Gauntlet 20000*
Power Wrist 5000
Reflect Ring 10000*
Defense Ring 5000
N-Kai Armlet 10000*
Defense Armlet 7000
Diamond Armlet 5000*
Wizard Mantle 2000
Leather Mantle 800
Small Mantle 300

Lightning Ball 250
Water Ball 250
Fire Ball 250
Holy Water 2000
X-Potion 700*
Remedy 350
Phoenix Down 300
Ether 200
Hi-Potion 200
Soft 100
Maiden's Kiss 50
Echo Grass 50
Eye Drop 50
Antidote 50
Potion 50
Hosted by uCoz