Main Final Fantasy Tactics (c) Square 1997/1998 Russian

48e. Yardow [after Limberry Castle]
* - comment inside. [Sorry for ugly English]

Bar owner This's what I know about
	Good Workplace and Job!
	Miner's Tour >> 2

Good Workplace and Job! [0, 9-14, (Samurai, Mime)] Sailors Wanted! Great environment, fun job! No exp. necessary! Dissatisfied with your current job? Come and apply! Yardow Salvage Guild Bar owner Guild's too expensive. It does a good job, though. Job: Dive into the sea to raise a sunken ship! Mime I worked as a sailor at the Yardow Salvage Guild. We were able to recover it! Various cargo was found in the recovered vessel, but there was one big treasure chest that stood out. I opened it with faith, inside were big bags of gil! Bonus: Gil bag Total: 15364 - 19548 gil JP: 71 - 132 'Good Workplace and Job?'
The Yardow Salvage Guild, located in Yardow Fort City, is recruiting sailors. They said they were offering high wages for light work, so we took the job. But, it was the opposite. We worked from dawn to dusk with minimal wages. There aren't any easy jobs.

Miner's Tour [1000, 10-14, (Lancer, Mime)] Coal Miner's Tour. A manly job, very profitable! Experience this dream job. All treasures will be yours! From 1000 Gil, including 3 meals. Thompson Service Bar owner What's a man's dream anyway? Job: Join in the "Miner's Tour"! Geomancer I went on a Miner's Tour! We were able to excavate it! There was a precious ore!
Bonus: Price for "Iron Ore" "Mythril Stone" "Adamantite"
Total: 988 - 1060 gil 4088 - 4160 6088 - 6160
JP: 61 - 86 83 - 108 93 - 118
'Miner's Tour Thoughts'
Thompson Service, located in Yardow, sponsored a 'Miner's Tour'. It gave commoners a rare chance to experience mining life. Participants included men and women. It showed the hardships of being a miner, and all came away with a respect for their work.

Miner's Tour 2 [1000, 10-14, (Lancer, Mime)] Mining Tour. A manly job, very profitable! Experience this dream job. All treasures found will be yours! From 1000 Gil, including 3 meals. Thompson Service Bar owner This tour's pretty popular. Job: Join in the "Miner's Tour"! Geomancer I went on a Miner's Tour! We were able to excavate it! Different ores were found from the dike, but there was one big one that stood out. I opened it with faith, inside was a treasure that I've never seen! Bonus: Found {Treasure}! Total: 2588 - 2660 gil JP: 93 - 118 'Miner's Tour Repeated!'
Thompson Tours, located in Yardow, sponsored a 'Miner's Tour'. Capitalizing on the success of the prior tour, a new area with a higher degree of difficulty was selected this time. But, a participant named Gotch (age 9 at the time) discovered an ore deposit on a hunch.


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