Main Final Fantasy Tactics (c) Square 1997/1998 Russian

48i. Zaland [after Limberry Castle]
* - comment inside. [Sorry for ugly English]

Bar owner This's what I know about
	Shy Katedona [500, 14-15, Thief (Knight/Monk/Lancer, Chemist)] 
I'm very shy and have never really talked with anyone.
Please teach me how to be more social.
				Shy Katedona
Bar owner Need a job with speaking skills.

Job:	Teach communication skills to a shy girl!

Chemist We taught her the knack of conversation! She was very shy and wasn't anxious to talk.
	Thanks to Thief everything was fine. We managed to teach them! They handed us a reward.

Bonus:	Reward
Total:	994 - 6663 gil
JP:	30 - 116

	'The Talkative, Katedona'
A female mediator Ms. Katedona Fim (19 years old at the time) won this year's contest and tells us of her victory. 'I was very shy by nature and never had much chance to talk with others. But, since I got the knack of speaking, it became easy. I'm no longer afraid to talk to anyone. One shouldn't avoid things only because they're uncomfortable!' Katedona smiled pleasantly.

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