Main Final Fantasy Tactics (c) Square 1997/1998 Russian

Brave Story #23 [32. Orbonne Monastery]
* - comment inside. [Sorry for 'devilish' English]

Alazlam The secrets of the Lion War are uncovered in this book.
	Person   Treasure

[Record] 'Confessions of Simon'
Orbonne was already under attack by those after the stone. Simon, who was found wounded in the library, revealed plans of the Church and Funeral to revive the "Zodiac Braves". You pursue the attackers leaving the 2 stones and Simon in Alma's care.

The Knights stole both the "Virgo" stone and Alma. Near death, Wiegraf, who joined the knights for "power", pledged his soul to the "Aries" stone, and melded with the Lucavi Magician Velius. Simon gave you the fabled "Germonik Scriptures", and died...

[Person] Funeral Simon Wiegraf Elmdor Vormav Izlude
Funeral Marge Funeral (Age: 79)
As the High Priest of the Murond Glabados Church, he masterminded the Lion War.
   Revived the powers of the Church, which was lost during the Fifty Year War. His ambition is to raise the power of the Church higher than that of the King. While urging Prince Larg and Prince Goltana, he is collecting the Holy Stones, as well as trying to capture the hearts of the people.

Simon Simon Pen Rakshu
Head of Orbonne Monastery and Professor of Theology. A devout believer in the teachings of Glabados. Once a high level, Pagan examiner, he resigned due to one incident. He escaped the secular world and currently lives as a hermit in a distant land. Killed by the Temple Knights who came for the holy stone, "Virgo", at the monastery.

Wiegraf Wiegraf Folles (Age: 31)
Leader of the anti-Aristocrat "Death Corps". He was also the leader of the Knights of Death, which were made up of volunteers during the Fifty Year War. To relieve the stronghold of the Aristocrats, they performed terrorist acts, such as assassinations and kidnappings of leading figures, but were eliminated by retaliation by the officials.
   Currently, one of the Temple Knights.

Elmdor Mesdoram Elmdor
Leader of Limberry. A soldier who fought bravely against the invading forces in a foreign land, during the latter half of the Fifty Year War. With his silver armor and his long and beautiful blond hair, his allies call him the "Silver Noble". Yet, he is feared by the enemies, calling him the "Silver Ogre".
   Died honorably, struck by a stray arrow at a battle at the Fuse Plains.

Vormav Vormav Tingel (Age: 47)
Head of the Temple Knights of the Murond Glabados Church. Leader of the new Zodiac Braves, which High Priest Funeral tried to recreate, but Vormav seems to have his own intentions.

	'Izlude' [May 28]
Izlude Izlude Tingel (Age: 17)
Temple Knight of the Murond Glabados Church. Son of the Temple Knight Vormav. A member of the new Zodiac Braves, he had the Holy Stone "Pisces". He unquestioningly believes in his father's words, but does not know the secret powers of the Holy Stone to summon "Lucavi".

Germonik Scriptures This is a record of St. Ajora, written by his disciple Germonik. It was supposed to be a lost book. (/\ button: Read writing)

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