Main Final Fantasy Tactics (c) Square 1997/1998 Russian

Brave Story #16 [22. Lionel Castle]
* - comment inside. [Sorry for ugly English]

Alazlam The secrets of the Lion War are uncovered in this book.

Person -> Funeral [Record->] 'Cardinal Draclau and the Holy Stone'
Draclau welcomed Ovelia to Lionel Castle promising to report Larg's plans to the High Priest. In addition, the Cardinal revealed a legendary stone, known as a "Zodiac Stone", which had been passed down for generations. Apparently the Mustadio incident also involved this stone. You bade farewell to Ovelia and left for Goug.

	'Those who seek the Holy Stone'
The crystal found in the ground at Goug was a "Zodiac Stone". Fearing it would fall into evil hands, Mustadio's father, Besrodio asked his son to hide it. When Mustadio received it...

[Mustadio & Besrodio with a crutch in the middle of the room.]

	Listen, Mustadio.
	Take this and run!

[Besrodio gives yellow stone to Mustadio.]

	Run? Where?

[Knock in the door and a harsh voice.]

Rudvich Mercenary
	I know you're in there!
	Open the door!!

[They began to break the door. Mystadio grasps father's hand.]
	Let's get out of here!

[Besrodio frees his hand.]
	My legs are useless!
	Just go on without me!!

[They almost break in.]

Mustadio I can't leave you alone!

Besrodio The Holy stone has enough
	power to destroy a country!
	Can't let Rudvich get it!
	Hide it in a safe place!
	And ask Cardinal Draclau
	to help you!
	I know he will!

[Door force opens. Thief & Archer runs in. Old man comes in.]

	You've wasted enough time.
	Now, give me the stone!

	Go now! Mustadio!!

[Mustadio hesitates. Archer & Thief walks closer.]


[Mustadio turns toward the back door, looks at father and runs out.]

	After him!!
	Get him!

[Thief & Archer runs after Mustadio...]

[Person->] 'Funeral' [December 31]
Funeral Marge Funeral (Age: 79)
High Priest of the Murond Glabados Church.
   Although not in full power, still has enough executive power. But it could be said that the High Priest of the Church has power equal to that of the King. There are Temple Knights who secure the safety of the High Priest.


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